Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's already Wednesday?

We're over half way through this trip and so much has happened. I know we all say it, but it really is true.

The work at Free Farm today was no joke. Heavy lifting, shoveling compost, yanking weeds. We made a few snail friends, and I worked so hard I ripped my jeans! I loved it though, the tasks were so concrete and required a lot of teamwork. Many assembly lines were made. I think the principle behind those assembly lines is one of the things that's striking me most as I move through this trip. We have to work together if we ever want to see things change. Everyone can contribute something different and when all hands are on deck, things get done. As someone who is naturally independent, it's really beautiful to see the importance of collaboration. And we've seen it everywhere we've been. We divided the work and completed tasks as a team at Glide; we witnessed and helped with the work happening in the Women's Building, where a number of organizations dedicated to women's issues are housed and support each other. This group has bonded so much, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time so far with all of them. They are all such interesting people. I have a lot of feelings.

After Free Farm, we were rather cold and damp (boo cold weather), so we took time to shower and visit the nearby laundromat. Then tacos! We had a fun reflection tonight, in which we made skits/interpretive dances/performance art about the activities of our day. Let's just say it got really "creative," and leave it at that. I had some great belly laughs. The humor opened us up, though, and some very thoughtful things were said. Not only am I learning from the organizations we spend time with, but also the people that I'm here with. The lessons they've taught me, of commitment and compassion, are invaluable.

A group of us headed to the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood after reflection. It was my second late-night adventure, after visiting the waterfront and seeing the Golden Gate Bridge last night. It's fun to navigate the city on our own and explore.

Overall, this is such a memorable and inspiring experience. It's hard to even put it in words.


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